Learn Rod's Khleifs Most Effective Tactics & Strategies To Finding Profitable Multifamily Deals
Learn Rod's Khleifs Most Effective Tactics & Strategies To Finding Profitable Multifamily Deals

 What's Included?

The Finding Deals Full Course is 3 and 1/2 hours of training that includes Rod's Finding Deals Action Plan - a comprehensive plan of action designed to get you moving in the right direction quickly and with purpose. 

Topics Include:
- The Fundamentals of Finding Deals
- Primary Strategies to Focus On
- Strategies for Targeting Smaller Multifamily and Residential Multifamily Assets
- Miscellaneous and "Under The Radar" Strategies 
- Goal Setting and Visualization 
- Common Mistakes to Avoid

 100% Money Back Guarantee!

There's no risk for you, just try it out and see if it's for you. If you don't feel like we absolutely OVERDELIVERED in our training - we will refund your entire investment no questions asked!

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